Bagnoles Orne Fanfare Musique Concert Deambulation Spectacle Musique FestivalBagnoles Orne Fanfare Musique Concert Deambulation Spectacle Musique Festival
©Bagnoles Orne Fanfare Musique Concert Deambulation Spectacle Musique Festival

What's on ?

Throughout the year, there’s plenty to see (and hear!) in Bagnoles de l’Orne. On the programme are outings, gatherings, sport, music, invitations to set out and explore, and more!

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The largest choice to prepare your stay
Flânez au marché
On Wednesday 12 Mar , On Friday 14 Mar , ...
Flânez au marché

Allée des Anciens Combattants (Bagnoles castle) Weekly markets, in the morning : - Wednesday - Friday This small market is located below the castl...


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