All accommodationHotelsBagnoles Orne Hebergement Chambre Hote Gue Biches Manoir Bele Epoque Charme©Bagnoles Orne Hebergement Chambre Hote Gue Biches Manoir Bele Epoque CharmeBed and breakfastHoliday ResidencesChaumiere Meuble Location Bagnoles Orne©Chaumiere Meuble Location Bagnoles OrneHoliday lettings©RubioCampsitesBagnoles Orne Cle Maison Location Agence Immobiliere Adobestock©Bagnoles Orne Cle Maison Location Agence Immobiliere AdobestockEstate Agencies
©Groupe en visite autour du lac de Bagnoles de l'Orne|Bagnoles TourismeGuided tour of the townThe town of Bagnoles de l’Orne officially became an independent commune in 1913. How did this resort, which was originally built on the site of three separate communities,...Read moreBagnoles Orne Cueillette Panier Champignons Manoir Foret Andaines©Bagnoles Orne Cueillette Panier Champignons Manoir Foret AndainesMushroom foragingIn autumn, mushroom season is in full swing! We make the most of a weekend in Bagnoles de l’Orne and take part in a mushroom walk organised by the Manoir du Lys. It is an...Read moreBagnoles Orne Jardin Retire Fleur Nature Plante Arbre Remarquable Annie Blanchais 6©Bagnoles Orne Jardin Retire Fleur Nature Plante Arbre Remarquable Annie Blanchais 6Discover Annie’s “Jardin Retiré”At the heart of the resort of Bagnoles de l’Orne there is a sumptuous English garden surrounded by ancient oaks. Awarded the designation of Jardin Remarquarble, Annie’s...Read moreOpen hive detail. Beekeeping, agriculture, rural life.©Open hive detail. Beekeeping, agriculture, rural life.|Getty Images/iStockphotoBeehive visitFascinated by bees since childhood, Jean-Pierre Legoff will show you the job of beekeeping and the art of maintaining the hives to collect honey. Read moreBagnoles Orne Biscuiterie Lonlay Abbaye Detail Gateau Terroir Savoir Faire Carre Normand Caramel 4©Bagnoles Orne Biscuiterie Lonlay Abbaye Detail Gateau Terroir Savoir Faire Carre Normand Caramel 4|Bagnoles TourismeBiscuit factory tourFoodies by nature, we love visiting the shop belonging to this famous maker of Sablé Normand biscuits in Bagnoles de l’Orne. But how about visiting the Biscuiterie de l’Abbaye...Read more©Jeunes femmes en forêt d'Andaine faisant du vélo-rail à Bagnoles de l'Orne|David CommenchalA rail bike rideTreat yourself to a relaxing and sociable time with this fun and energetic activity that is suitable for everyone. Read more©Le Château de la Roche Bagnoles vue du ciel|David CommenchalA tour of the ChâteauThe town of Bagnoles de l’Orne officially became an independent commune in 1913. How did this resort, which was originally built on the site of three separate communities,...Read moreBagnoles Orne Martellieres Ferme Calvados Terroir Savoir Faire Visite Cidre Pomme Champ Verger Campagne©Bagnoles Orne Martellieres Ferme Calvados Terroir Savoir Faire Visite Cidre Pomme Champ Verger Campagne|Les MartellièresFerme des MartellièresLocated at Juvigny-Val-d’Andaine, the Ferme de Martellières is surrounded by 86 acres of orchards. Wanting to know more about how cider and Poiré de Domfront is made, we set...Read more©Vue aérienne du quartier Belle-Epoque de Bagnoles de l'Orne|David CommenchalA tour of the Belle Epoque QuarterFrom unusual chalets to sumptuous villas, the late 19th-century belle Epoque Quarter is home to some true works of art. Like an open-air museum, a tour of the quarter promises...Read more
©Christophe AubertWhere to eat ?Enjoy yourself and take time to eat well: a must for any Normandy holiday! The perfect opportunity to discover local specialities and enjoy tasting local artisanal produce that...Bagnoles Orne Fanfare Musique Concert Deambulation Spectacle Musique Festival©Bagnoles Orne Fanfare Musique Concert Deambulation Spectacle Musique FestivalWhat’s on ?Throughout the year, there’s plenty to see (and hear!) in Bagnoles de l’Orne. On the programme are outings, gatherings, sport, music, invitations to set out and explore, and more! Shutterstock 123960973©Shutterstock 123960973How do I get to Bagnoles de l’Orne ?Do you want to come to Bagnoles de l’Orne? Here are various ways to get here for your holiday in Normandy. ©Office de Tourisme et des Congrès de Bagnoles de l'Orne|Image par CœurThe tourist OfficeThe Office de Tourisme et des Congès tourist office in the Place du Marché is specially designed to show you the best our Normandy resort has to offer. We will be delighted to...Happy parents playing with their daughters in the park. Space for copy.©Happy parents playing with their daughters in the park. Space for copy.|liderina - stock.adobe.comMy stayDiscover holidays to share with the family or as a couple or to enjoy solo for a memorable stay in Bagnoles.