See photos (2)
peintres dans la rue-bagnoles-orne

Concours de peinture : journée « Peintres dans la rue »

Cultural, Painting, Exhibition in Bagnoles de l'Orne Normandie
  • Organized by Rencontres Artistiques d'Andaine in the streets of Bagnoles de l'Orne Normandie.

    The Rencontres Artistiques d'Andaine association is organizing a painting competition, open to everyone, whatever their age, level or technique.

    The works created during the day will be exhibited from 5:00 pm in the hall of the Centre d'Animation et de Congrès, where some of the participants, chosen by a jury, will be awarded prizes.

    Don't hesitate to register, or come and meet the painters and...
    Organized by Rencontres Artistiques d'Andaine in the streets of Bagnoles de l'Orne Normandie.

    The Rencontres Artistiques d'Andaine association is organizing a painting competition, open to everyone, whatever their age, level or technique.

    The works created during the day will be exhibited from 5:00 pm in the hall of the Centre d'Animation et de Congrès, where some of the participants, chosen by a jury, will be awarded prizes.

    Don't hesitate to register, or come and meet the painters and admire their way of seeing and transforming the world. A great way to discover or rediscover Bagnoles de l'Orne through the prism of the artists!

    ? Open to all.

    ? Registration takes place in the Communs du Château, allée Aloïs Monnet (9:00 a.m. - salle sud), with the prize-giving ceremony at the Centre d'Animation et de Congrès, avenue des thermes (hall).
  • Rates
  • Free
  • On June 22, 2025 from 9:00 AM to 7:30 PM